3D Pictures by Lex&Leni 24/11/2007. Click to enlarge.


3D Pictures by Lex&Leni 24/11/2007. Click to enlarge.


3D Pictures by Lex&Leni 24/11/2007. Click to enlarge.

My 3d virtual me.

Left picture is 2 photos in one image. Right picture is a rendered 3d model of a photo-texturized face.
Notice that the person on the right and down does not exist.
It is not a photo and purely fictional.

These pictures are anaglyphs. Use standard red/magenta glasses for viewing. click to enlarge.
3D Modeling and rendering DJViagra.Photo's Lexotanstation2007.

Meet&Greet@Brussels Airport: Anouchka la tigresse

Aujourd'hui j'ai rencontré la très charmante Anouchka "la tigresse" et Mr
Masola, réalisateur. Avion raté... et que dommage qu'il y avait un vol plus tard!
Bonne chance Anouchka!
visitez sa page web:
ou devenez un star vous-même:

Smoking made healthy: the supersmoker

Just enjoy another 'Ryan' dear! The new way to smoke; Electrically!

Only, there is not too much smoke involved, only electro heathed vapors.
Wonder how it would taste like. Or how it feels to smoke without smoke.
Must look stupid. Now on sale in Benelux.

Couleur Cafe Festival 2007 29-30-1

Manu Dibango, UB40, Kelis, Ziggy Marley, Sean Paul, The Roots.


Pixels from the past

sketch from early '90 and belly dancer (poser)

Pixels from the VGA 90s

T-Lite 1995

ViagrArt: women

Viagra 29/05/2007
Click pic to enlarge

Natural 'Viagras': Nootropics Serie 4

Ginseng, obtained from the Panax Quinquefolium is worldly praised as anti-despressive,
afrodisiacum, mind and energy stimulator. It is easy to obtain by making a tea of the roots.
They are quite expensive at chinese markets because of their specific growth conditions and cultivation. Tastes good with honey and/or alcohol.
Gives a long lasting and gentle boost to cognitive functions.